Verse of the Day (King James Version, Psalm 40:8) : "I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart."

Is It REALLY Secure To Use An Online Rental Management Platform?

  • 08/16/2022

People who want to automate their rental management process with online software usually have a question in mind - “Should I use this solution as an automatic rent collector?” The main culprit of this concern is ‘SECURITY’.

The next thing, the property owners are concerned about - ‘Whether the sensitive data of tenants that they want to store in the rental management platform will be safe or not'. If you are among them, who is having the same concern, then today's blog is going to be the biggest stress reliever for you. 

We can’t guarantee whether the privacy features provided by other online rental management software are reliable or not, but we can definitely make claimable words for TenantDen’s online rental management software - “SECURITY is Guaranteed.”  

Be it the sensitive information in the storage space or to safely collect the rent without any risk of fraud, our software makes everything simplified, safe & secure for you. 

No one can access the software without the admin’s permission

When a property owner buys the software, our executive will set an admin panel for them where they’ll be given all authoritative rights. It is up to them to decide - ‘To whom do they want to give access to the portal?’ 

No chance of unethical hacking

Usually, property owners ask a similar question to us when they are just going to purchase the software - ‘Is there any chance for unethical hackers to penetrate through the layers of security?’ Our constant answer for that is always - ‘NO, we have safeguarded our software with the impenetrable layers of security.’

Smooth & Safe Rent Collection System

We promise that our software won’t give you the trouble that other rental management software are reported to give- ‘They do receive cash from the sender (tenant), but fail to credit it in the landlord's bank account’. The software will automatically collect the rent from the renter or the tenant and will submit the same to the bank account of the property owner. The landlord will be notified after rent collection. 

End-to-end encrypted conversation 

The conversation that takes place between the landlord & the tenant is 100% secure & safe. No one can sneak into your messages, regardless of how powerful hacking experts they are.

What If Any Security Concerns Arise Anyway?

Our help & support team is always available to hear your queries. In case, any security concern arises - ‘Our expert developers will try everything in their power to resolve it.’ 

FYI Note: Till date, we have never received any single complaint regarding security concerns. 

Final Comments!

Just like we said earlier, we can’t guarantee the safety & security of the rental software solutions being sold by other companies, but we can definitely claim that ours is immersed with full-fledged security features and is hacking-proof. This software has been in use for many years, and it is improving every day. Our clients are happy with its functionality, ease of use & interactive interface. TenantDen always keeps its ears open for criticism & suggestions. This has been key for us to be “United States’ leading rental software management company”. If you want to gain more information about our product, book a call with us.