Verse of the Day (King James Version, Hebrews 12:1) : "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,"
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We are the one-stop solution for all property management needs
  • online property management services
    Different Types of Users

    TenantDen gives a collaborative property management solution to different types of users such as Property Owners, Property Managers, Landlords, and Tenants. We help them streamline all property-related chores and maintain property-related data hassle-free & efficiently.

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  • rental management tool
    Online Property Lease Agreements

    TenantDen serves the subscribers with the feature to build or upload the property lease agreements and invites tenants to e-sign. This makes complex property-related documents easily accessible by users.

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  • Property Management App
    Easy Expense Management

    We make it possible to manage all property expenses in one place with our best-in-class property management solution. Also, we make it easy to add and edit expenses against your property simply.

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  • Landlord Software
    Hassle-free Property Management

    Manage one or multiple properties more efficiently with TenantDen. Our real time dashboards help property owners/managers to get a quick overview of important metrics such as tenant complaint status, vacant properties, rent received or overdue, and much more.

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  • Rental Software
    Worry-free Online Payments

    Now no need to meet tenants in-person and cashing paper checks. We allow our subscribers to receive and send any payment like rent collection and other property related transactions online.

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  • online property manager
    Easy Tenant Screening Report

    Make an easy request for a tenant background check and criminal history with easy Tenant Screening at TenantDen. Get the highly accurate easy-to-understand screening report that helps you in making the best decision.

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